
Feb 10 at 8:04P Sign-up for our Pre-authorized Payment Plan
Pre-authorized payment plans allow you to set up automatic withdrawals from your account in order to pay your property tax bill, water and sewer bill or both. Complete the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Application Payment options for water and sewer bill (utility) by pre-authorized paymentsPlease indicate your preferred payment plan option for your water and sewer bill in the agreement. Options include on the due date or monthly.Due date payment planIf you select the due date payment plan, the amount owing will automatically be withdrawn on the payment due date. Due dates are found on your water and sewer bill.Monthly payment planIf you select the monthly payment plan, a third of your quarterly base charge will be withdrawn on the last business day of each month. The final third withdrawal will be on the due date for your billing cycle. Any additional usage changes will be added to the third withdrawal amount for each quarter.Payment options for property tax bill by pre-authorized paymentsPlease indicate your preferred payment plan option in the application.10-month payment planIf you select this option, you will pay 10 equal instalments on the last day of each month from January to October of each year. Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, (e.g., September 30) the payment will be withdrawn on the next business day.Monthly payment planThis option is only available for properties with tax arrears and you will be subject to interest on the first day of each month. With this plan, you will pay a set monthly property tax instalment on the last day of every month. The set amount is determined and agreed upon between you and Township of Severn. Please note that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or statutory holiday (e.g., September 30) the payment will be withdrawn on the next business day.Regular instalment payment planIf you select the regular instalment plan, your tax payments will be withdrawn on the property tax due dates. These dates appear on your property tax bill. Please note that if the due date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the money will be withdrawn on the next business day.Contact usCustomer Care TeamPhone: 705-325-2315Email: customercare@severn.caIf you select the regular instalment plan, your tax payments will be withdrawn on the property tax due dates. These dates appear on your property tax bill. Please note that if the due date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the money will be withdrawn on the next business day.n, your tax payments will be withdrawn on the property tax due dates. These dates appear on your property tax bill. Please note that if the due date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the money will be withdrawn on the next business day.If you select the regular instalment plan, your tax payments will be withdrawn on the property tax due dates. These dates appear on your property tax bill. Please note that if the due date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the money will be withdrawn on the next business day.If you select the regular instalment plan, your tax payments will be withdrawn on the property tax due dates. These dates appear on your property tax bill. Please note that if the due date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the money will be withdrawn on the next business day. 
Jan 15 at 2:54P News, Notices, and Alerts - Township of Severn
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